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September 01, 2008


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So happy to see you blogging again. I love you, my little trooper:). Still no sign of Walker- just a huge belly and freshly painted toenails (a la the pedi station in the mall). Leedle and I miss you and can't wait to see you. Muah!

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Message in a Bottle

  • Kristy says...
    I love nothing more than a yummy story...Any author or publisher that would bless my world with a book--I'd have to look for real estate past the moon... I suffer from author adoration, so I won't put a bad review into the blog universe :)


  • THANK YOU for making my heart smile :)
    Since I've started contacting publicists and authours my heart has been beyond amazed... Thank you Hachette Book Group HarperCollins, Random House, Simon & Schuster, Unbridled Books, Zondervan I could never repay the happiness you've poured all over my life, but I'll try by doing great reviews for all these books :)